A Lesson from Mom What could be worse than to be 18 and have your mother catch you fucking your boyfriend? Nothing, right? Wrong. Mom came home early one afternoon, earlier than I'd expected. She caught us, alright, but she caught my cousin, Ann, too. We were in bed together, with my boyfriend. Ann was kneeling, ass curved high over drawn up knees, face buried in my thrusting crotch. My naked thighs covered her ears. Jim had just come in Ann's sweet pussy when Mom walked into the room. The writhing of my hips ceased abruptly as I froze in shock and fear. Ann took the sudden clenching as sign of my orgasm and continued to lick my cunt and suck my clit for another few seconds before she realized that, as she later put it, "the jig was up." Jim was 20, Ann and I were 18, and Mom was pretty cool. But she did send Jim away, and told us to dress and meet her in the living room. My parents had divorced when I was eight, and Mom had tried hard to raise me well. She'd been only 17 when I was born, and she didn't want me to retrace her steps. We'd talked about love and sex from the beginning, and she put me on "the pill" when I turned 15. Not that she condoned sex at such an age, but she knew only too well the urges that would soon be stirring within me. And now she'd seen me hold Ann's face against my pussy. I feared that her `cool' might not stand this particular heat. She began by saying that we had acted recklessly: we were old enough to know how to avoid being "discovered" like that. She went on about having "unprotected" sex, even though she knew Ann was on the pill, too. Her cool was gone. She wasn't really angry, just concerned, and a little bit irritated, and she sent us to our rooms. Ann went to the guest room and I plopped onto my own bed. Mom had said something about deciding on the proper `punishment' to `teach us a lesson.' The dishwasher under the kitchen counter precluded a sentence to `dishpan hands,' but the idea of spending my summer dragging around a vacuum cleaner and washing windows didn't appeal to me either. I heard Mom make a few phone calls and then go into her study. The clicking of her computer keyboard could be heard, and then the printer's buzzing. Not long afterwards Mom called us into the hall, and handed us a couple of forms and ballpoint pens. "Answer these question honestly. You have thirty minutes." The way she emphasized `honestly' made me curious. Ann and I left, each to her own room, to answer the questions. The form was a sex-quiz, and I thought that she was trying to see how much we knew. The first few were easy. "Have you ever had intercourse? If so, how many times? (approx)." Then, "Do you masturbate? If so, how often?". As I went down the list, answering somewhat honestly (yes, more than 10, yes, twice a week, and so on), I stopped at the next few questions. "Have you ever put anything in your rectum? What?" "Have you ever had anal sex? How many times? Did you like it?" "Have you ever had oral sex? Give or receive? Did you like it? Why?" "What is your favorite position? Why?" "What is your favorite sexual fantasy? (briefly)" "Have you ever had sex with another woman? Did you like it?" "Have you ever had sex with more than one or two people at a time?" You get the idea. There were almost thirty five questions, and with just thirty minutes, you had either to answer truthfully, or else deny everything just to get through on time. Mom had lied: we got forty minutes. She collected the forms and told us to wait in our rooms. After ten minutes she called Ann into her bedroom and talked to her for nearly a quarter of an hour. Ann returned to her room, looking sheepish. Then it was my turn. "Darling," Mom began, "I'm glad you enjoy sex, but you need to know how to treat it. It's not the most important thing in the world." I nodded. She told me that while sex was fun, sex and love were two different things; and that sex WITH love was the best. I nodded again. Then she handed me one of the forms and told me to read it. I did, and quickly noticed Ann's left-handed script. Ann had answered honestly, as far as I could tell, saying that she'd had sex and masturbated almost daily. She had done both oral and anal sex, and liked it "doggy style". Yes, she had been to bed with women (me included), and had tried group sex. But what got me was her fantasy. "To have Julie eat my pussy while three guys take turns pleasing me - in front of a group of other people." I'm Julie. Mom's eyebrow raised quizzically when I looked up at her. I knew what I'd written as my fantasy (my second favorite, actually), and that was to make love with two guys outdoors in the warm sunshine where anyone could see us. "Ann's got a crush on you," Mom said. "How do you feel about that?" "I'm glad." I said, truthfully. Mom only smiled and told me to return to my room. I loved Ann, and we'd pleased each other several times since she'd come out from back east for the summer. But I suspected that Mom had shown my answers to Ann, and that she, realizing that I'd likewise seen hers, might be a little embarrassed at what I'd learned. Mom was talking on the phone again, and I wondered who she was calling. More to the point, I wondered if she were telling someone about all this. Before I had a chance to eavesdrop, she was off the phone and calling us into the hall. Mom told us to shower and shave our legs, and then to dress in the clothes that she would lay out. We had to hurry because we'd be leaving at half past six, forty-five minutes from now. Ann and I went into the bathroom, stripped and jumped in the shower. With time against us, we didn't play around (well, not much), but we wondered why Mom was rushing us. Toweled mostly dry, we returned to our rooms to dress. While we were in the shower, Mom had laid out a light cotton halter dress on my bed. Under the dress was a deep blue garter belt and a pair of sheer nylons. A little bird told me that no matter Mom had planned, I'd probably enjoy it. I opened my dresser to get a pair of panties, and reached into the drawer. It was empty except for a brief message written in blue ink on a yellow post-it. "Julie:" Mom had written, "Don't wear anything except what is on your bed. Lone, Mom." She had even put out a pair of her high-heeled pumps. I dressed, fumbling with the unfamiliar clasps of the garter belt. The halter dress was light and airy, and ended three inches above my knees. I have nice, big tits and the dress felt a little snug. It held my breasts firmly enough, although they did tend to sag a little without a bra. I'd worn heels only a few times before and was a little unsteady at the new altitude. But they did nice things to my calves and the mirror said that I looked sexy as hell. Now dressed, and with five minutes to spare, I tried to dry my hair. Both Ann and I have long blonde hair, which seems to drive guys crazy. Mine is down to mid-back, and her's ends just below the shoulders. Ann's hair dryer was whining from the guest room. I put on a little makeup and met Mom and Ann in the front room. Ann was beautiful in a short denim skirt, dark stockings, and a peach colored midriff top that showed off her flat, tanned tummy and sexy navel. Her hair was still damp, mine was wet. The best part of living in Las Vegas is that your hair dries quickly, especially in the summer. Mom wore one of her sensible dresses and carried the nylon gym bag that I assumed held her exercise stuff. She went to the spa every Tuesday and Thursday evening, and this was Thursday. She herded us into the car and left the driveway, ignoring Ann's questions about where we were going. Just outside of town she stopped. "I'm taking you girls to a very special place," she said. "And, right now, I want you to trust me completely." This seemed a little melodramatic, but we nodded our agreement. She handed us each a black mask of the sort that some people use to help them sleep during the day. Mom used to work as a dealer in some of the casinos, sleeping while I went to school, and I'd seen her use these masks. We them on. After she checked them, started the car. "This place is very special, but I don't want you to know where it is. Not just yet anyway." She said. "Otherwise, I might never get you out of it." I began to wonder if there was a brothel nearby, or perhaps one of the nudist camps people talked about. All sorts of other possibilities went through my mind. We drove for another twenty more minutes before the car stopped. Mom told us to keep our masks on, and led us up three steps and into a building. A woman's voice greet Mom as an old friend, and then we were led to another room where Mom removed our masks. We were standing in a locker room. (Thinking it was her gym, I wondered what kind of spa Mom had joined that required such secrecy.) She led us to one of the lockers, opened it for us and told us to take off our dresses and shoes. She disappeared around the corner and we heard a locker open and then the `Ssshhh' of a woman undressing. We shrugged at each other, took off our dresses and put them in the locker with our shoes. Ann didn't have a garter-belt, but pantyhose - without the panty part. They looked great on her lush hips. She eyed my garter-belt, ran a finger along the strap and brushed her fingers idly over my bush. I grabbed her hand and held it against my pussy. Leaning back, I hit the open locker door and it slammed shut. A voice came from around the corner. "Oh, good." said Mom, "It sounds like you're all undressed. Now put your masks back on and I'll collect you in a moment." By this time Ann's finger was in my slit and my tongue was circling her nipples. We separated reluctantly, and sat down to put on our masks and wait. "You two look good enough to eat." (Easy enough to speak of looking when you don't have to wear a mask!) There was a throatiness I'd not heard before. The slight catch in Mom's voice somehow added to the lingering arousal Ann's fingers had stirred in my pussy. She took our hands and led us to another room. The soft carpeting felt good under our naked feet. Others were in the room, and I flushed, embarrassed and excited, as their voices stilled. A woman greeted Mom. "Are they read?" "Yes, indeed they are. They've been very cooperative." I sensed a presence in front of me; warm, radiant, and sensual. The woman's voice was soft and husky. "Welcome," she said. "Imagine yourselves on a vacation cruise. You'll discover pleasures of which you've never dreamed. And you may leave the ship at any time. Just say `Choirboy' and depart. No one will stop you." (The image of an airline stewardess intoning the pre-takeoff safety briefing flashed before my eyes.) "We won't force you to do anything." Gentle, and competent, and very sure of herself. "If you say `Orchid,' we'll stop what we're doing and go on to something else. Are there any questions? Do you understand?" The soft voice was irresistible. I could almost feel sweet warm breath in my ear, a hand cupping my.... Recovering, I shook my head `No' to the first question and nodded affirmatively to the second. But that was not enough. Even though it seemed silly to us, Ann and I had to repeat and explain the meanings of both words. Then another question: "You've enjoyed sex together, yes?" We told her that we had. "Then kiss each other." Still blindfolded, we embraced. It was incredibly erotic - nearly naked, breast to breast before people we couldn't see, kissing, Ann's thigh moving between my legs. Her cupped hands kneaded my buttocks and I ground my pussy against her outhrust hip. Somewhere, I was sure, my Mom was watching. "How lovely they are," the woman breathed to herself. And then, more crisply, to us, "But that's enough for now." I wasn't so sure. Another woman came up to lead Ann away. "This way, Ann." The new voice was higher, and very pretty. I wondered if the owner were as pretty as her voice. I'd already decided that the husky-voiced woman was about my height (five foot six), nicely shaped, with long dark hair, and a wide, sensual mouth. She led me across the room and helped me identify a table, chair and sofa. (I was a little nervous without Ann nearby - I felt somehow alone in the crowded room.) She had me step back a little and told me to spread my legs. I did, stopping when she was satisfied. "Now keep your arms straight against your sides," she cautioned. And then hands were at my breasts, tenderly mapping their contours and lingering on the sensitive underside. The hands slid down my hips and lips closed softly around my right nipple. I was sure it was a woman by the touch, probably Ms Sexyvoice. Wrong: for the familiar voice began telling me that I was to receive pleasure, but need not give unless I wanted to. The mouth on my nipple switched breasts, and continued to lick and suck. I sure did want to GIVE as well as receive! I would see and kiss Ms Sexyvoice before I ate her pussy! The lips left my breasts as she told me that someone waited below to lick my pussy. I knelt gingerly, guided by unseen hands. Warm flesh caressed my thighs and someone began to lick me slowly, even lovingly. It felt great, and I relished the sensation. Things began to move faster; someone to my left began fondling my breast. I touched the arm; a man's arm, strong, and hairy. My hand explored and found his swollen cock. It wasn't huge, but it was nice. He was stroking himself while playing with my breast. A different hand on my right breast, and I searched out another cock. The two men gave me pleasure slowly, calmly. The man on my right pressed his penis to my lips and I let him enter, tasting his rubbery cock and catching his musky scent. He moved in and out of my mouth, slowly, letting me tongue the head and shaft. My pussy was soaking, and whoever was eating me seemed to enjoy it. I was getting really hot. The guys that were near me switched, and the other man gave me his cock to suck. It was a nice cock - not too big, not too small. It filled my mouth well. I had to stretch a little bit, but not at all uncomfortably. They went back and forth, changing off. It excited me to think of them both coming. The girl sucking my pussy (I'm sure it was a girl), reached up and squeezed my tits. Her thumbs swept the inside of my breasts and circled the nipples 'til I cried aloud. I heard Ann moaning, her sweet voice pleading that someone not stop whatever it was they were doing. Now a man's voice, near and in front of me, said "Ready guys?" I wondered what he meant. As if on cue the girl began sucking my clit hard and fingers slid into my dripping pussy. I was ready to come, and she kept me there, her tongue withdrawing at just the right/wrong moment. I rocked my hips, trying to come, but she kept me on the verge without letting me go over. The cocks were out of my mouth, which was fine; I was breathing hard and concentrating on my own orgasm. I reached for my clit, only to have strong feminine hands pull my arms behind me and hold them there. "Let me come!" I moaned, only to hear Ms Sexyvoice tell me that I would come soon. I was trying to make the girl suck my clit, working my hips around on her face, but couldn't make the contact I needed. There was a deep groan from one of the guys, and then a gush of semen landed on my tits. It felt warm, and it ran down to my nipple as more spurted onto me. I moaned, wanting to come right then. Then another spurt, this one from the right, landed on my cheek. I felt his cum running down my neck and he kept on spurting until the side of my face, and my lips were warm and wet with his cream. It tasted pretty good, and I remembered that I was being watched, not only by strangers, but by my own mother as well! The man in front of me came as though from a firehose. I opened my mouth and he spurt onto my tongue, my neck and my chin. It all felt good. Warm, wet, salty, and slick. I swallowed what was on my tongue. Suddenly, my clit was being sucked. I was getting really close, and the sperm dribbling down my chest made me exquisitely hot. I moaned loudly, shaking as I felt the first twinges. And then she stopped! "Make me come, damn it!" I moaned, only to feel hands lifting me to my feet. Ms Sexyvoice spoke firmly. "You will have your turn to come, dear, and soon," she said. "But we want to give you a night to remember." They'd already done that. She took my hand and led me across the room. The come on my breasts ran down onto my belly, and some even reached my thighs. We stopped and Ms Sexyvoice told me to get down on all fours, and to keep my hands on the ground. I did, and a man slid his cock into my pussy. God, it felt great! Then a cock pressed against my lips, and I sucked it. These guys worked like it was one, long cock, the one in my mouth pulling out as the guy behind me pushed it. The one in my pussy was big enough that he stretched me a little, making me quiver with a need to come. I felt a mouth on my right tit, licking the cum off my nipple. This went on for a while, until without much warning the guy in my pussy came, flooding me with warm semen. I wanted badly to reach back and get myself. I kept trying to milk his cock back into my pussy, hoping he would keep fucking until I came, but he pulled out. Just as I felt his creamy sperm leaking out of me, I got a mouthful from the other guy. I swallowed quickly, trying to keep up. He pulled out and a woman's mouth covered mine, kissing me and licking my tongue and lips, and face. I stuck my tongue out and tasted sperm on her face. too. I was incredibly excited by that. I could hear Ann, closer to me now, moaning as though she were about to come, and that made me moan too. Ms Sexyvoice returned, escorting me to what felt like a weight bench, was narrow and firmly padded. They lay me down on my back with my legs on either side. I felt lips against my neck, and a tongue licked, then another on my left nipple. Hands roamed my breasts and stomach, rubbing the come into my skin. Two, perhaps three, girls were ministering to my twisting body. Soft hands slid over my hips and spread my pussy. They dipped into my sopping cunt and massaged the juices into my thighs. Moaning and trying to get them to touch me where I wanted, I just couldn't stay still. I was floating and they were making me so horny that I thought I'd go crazy. I reached out and each hand found a breast, warm, full, and soft. I began playing with them too, enjoying their soft skin. A cock pressed against my pussy, but then I realized it was the third girl (there were three!) sliding a dildo into me. I tilted my hips, letting it fill me while her hair brushed my thighs. The dildo was long and thick and she worked it slowly at first. Then faster, each stroke deeper, a growing avalanche that would soon overwhelm me. I was close to coming when I felt her press a dildo to my ass, and I got nervous. Her remedy was to tease my clit and tongue my anus until it relaxed enough for her to slide it into me. I stretched to take it. I began to shake, so very close, yet so far away. Nothing existed except me, the girls, and the dildos. My cries were muffled by the pussy now descending to my face. Cunt hair brushed against my lips and nose, and I licked at it. Eagerly, in fact, savoring the mingled pussy juice and sperm. I found the opening and licked up the thick creams. Then the clit. It was unusually large and hard, and I sucked it like a little cock, flicking it with my tongue. A moan and suddenly my face was soaked as the cunt contracted violently. Hips rocked over me, and I stuck my tongue into the pussy, spasming muscles grabbbing at my tongue. The spent pussy was replaced by another, shaved bare and fresh. Its taste was incredibly sweet; musky and aromatic. No sperm here. Unseen fingers pulled the labia apart and the pussy rode my mouth, rocking wildly back and forth. I moaned into the naked cunt, lapping the sweet juices and letting them lave my face. My own hips were churning under the goad of dildos in my ass and cunt, getting closer, getting ready. The girl was pumping them fast, alternating the strokes. And again it stopped before I could come. I was in agony, so horny that I'd have done anything to come. Days later I learned that this was the intent. Ms Sexyvoice led me again to another part of the room, and made me sit down, legs outspread and leaning back on my hands. Hands snaked around from behind to cup my breasts, and then guys were coming on me. The girl cupping my tits just held them, letting the thick sperm ooze over her fingers and my tits. I don't know how many guys came on me, but when I was led back to the bench, I felt drenched. My face was wet, come ran down my neck and breasts, even down into my pubic hair. They set my feet on either side of the bench and told me to lower myself slowly. As I descended, hands spread my ass cheeks and a cock, a real, live, warm cock pressed against my butt. It wasn't very big and slipped in easily. Feminine hands lifted my legs, and my arms went 'round their shoulders. It felt awfully sexy and really nasty when my legs were lifted off the floor. My own weight forced me fully onto the cock and my buttocks felt the coarse pubic hair. They began alternately to lift and lower me, holding my legs wide open. The guy below lay still for a while, then the girls held me up to letting him fuck me. When he came, he shot what seemed a quart into my ass. I was ready for anything now, and I wanted to come so bad that I would have fought demons for the chance to finger my pussy. Ms Sexyvoice intervened once more. She took me to the middle of the floor and set me down, legs again spread wide, weight this tim on elbows and forearms. Then another voice telling someone to kneel down. Warm, damp skin brushed my inner thighs and I knew that it was Ann. Surely she would make me come! "We'll take your masks off, now," Ms Sexyvoice said, "and you'll have three minutes together. Do whatever you wish." My heart jumped. We can make each other come! The mask was removed and I blinked. The lighting was soft, almost dark. Ann was kneeling in front of me, and she was as covered with sperm and pussy juices as I. Her hair was matted in places, and there were still thick streams of sperm near her mouth. We kissed each other quickly, and then she stood up, pushing her cunt into my face. "Suck me bitch! Make me cum!" She spat. I sucked her clit, and shoved three fingers into her slippery cunt, fucking her madly with hand and tongue. Ann began to moan and shake, pulling my head against her and rubbing her pussy against my face. I stopped and looked up at her. "You eat me, too. Let me come with you!" I pleaded with her. "Don't stop, you fucking slut!" Ann hissed back, shoving my face to her pussy. "Make me come all over your face!" Ann was obviously in much worse shape than I, so I jerked free and pulled her down by me. No longer fighting, Ann turned around and lay her slick body down on mine. She spread my legs wide and sucked my cunt crazily. Her own pussy pressed against my mouth and I began sucking her, too. We finger fucked each other and sucked clits, 'til at last, at long fucking last, my orgasm began. And Ann's too. Her pussy grabbed my fingers. Just another few seconds. Someone pulled her off of me, and hands pushed me down, pinning my arms to the floor. "No. Oh no. No damn it, let me come!" I screamed. Ann was screaming the same way. My mother appeared and and loomed over us in thigh high leather boots. I couldn't believe my eyes. She wore a leather harness with large rings around her nipples and chains that ran between her legs. Fingerless leather gloves covered her arms to well above her elbows. She stood with her hands on her hips, looking down at us. "Let the little sluts suck themselves off," she commanded. Relaying the order, Ms Sexyvoice told us that we now might make each other come. I turned and looked at her for the first time. She was a lovely woman of 28 or so, with large full tits, dark hair, and a very sensual mouth. Her pussy was shaved bare, as was that of another, younger girl who fingered Ms Sexyvoice's cunt. Ann moved over and we resumed our sixty-nine, knowing now that we could come. We kissed and licked and fingered and sucked each other. My pussy began to tighten, getting ready. There'd be no stopping now. Ann's pussy was doing the same, and we were about to go over the edge together. Ann came first, and she rocked her hips wildly. Then I came, with a gut-wrenching, moaning, thrashing climax that sent me reeling. Ann collapsed had collapsed after her orgasme, pinning my poor shuddering body to the carpet. When we finally finished, Ann stayed on top of me, and I kissed her soft, wet pussy gently. She returned it, her hand stroking my thigh. After a minute's recuperation, Ann rolled off. Holding each other, we looked around. It was furnished like a large living room, with chairs and sofas, the bench, several foot stools and a coffee table. Looking down, I realized that Ann was naked, and so was I. Someone had stripped our hips and legs - but neither of us could remember how or when. No matter. The other people in the room were either naked or dressed in strange, sexy clothes. I saw a blonde with a shaved pussy straddling a huge cock, and a man with a small prick fucking a thirtyish woman's asshole. Ms Sexyvoice lay back on the sofa with her legs draped over the shoulders of a pretty girl about our age. The girl's face was hidden between her thighs, eating the shaved pussy. A man stood next to her, jerking off. Ann and I watched him shoot his come across ou mentor's full tits. The girl stopped sucking and began to lick the man's cock. She then turned and began licking the come from Ms Sexyvoice's tits. Ann pointed and I saw a woman hunched over a footstool with a nice sized cock in her pussy and her face buried between another woman's legs. This was an all out orgy! I looked for Mom, and finally saw her. I blinked, then looked again. Three guys were shooting their cum over her face and tits, while she rode another woman's face. Mom was greedily licking their cocks off when a redheaded woman came over and began rubbing the sperm all over her face. Ann and I looked at each other, and she wiped some cum from her chest onto my face. It felt sexy and very nasty. My own tits were soaked. I pulled her to me and she licked them clean. A guy knelt down, holding his big dick near my tits and jacking himself off. "Shoot your jism on her face." I told him, and a few seconds later he did; some of it splashed against my tits. Ann licked his cock clean. When we kissed, she still had a glob of his cum in her mouth. We chased it around and then she swallowed it, kissing me even harder. The man watched, smiling. Something probed my pussy. I looked back and saw a woman with a strap on dildo kneeling behind me, spreading my thighs. She knew how to use that dildo, too. After a few moments, she was pumping me and I was thrusting back, riding to another orgasm. Ann slid out from under me, and I saw her get up on all fours for a man who looked about fifty. He had a trim body and a short, thick cock which went right up Ann's ass. I watched this until I began climaxing. The woman fucking me leaned over and thanked me, kissing my ear before she wandered off to find another girl. Ann was getting her butt fucked nicely and I rolled over, half under and half beside, kissing her. I felt a cock in me and let it fuck me. I just wanted to kiss Ann and pinch her nipples so she would come again, too. I felt cum shoot into me and the guy's cock was replaced by a woman's mouth. She licked my sperm-drenched pussy so expertly that I knew I would come quickly. I wanted to see who she was. I looked down and saw long, straight, red hair. The woman lifted her head and said "I always suspected you'd have a delicious pussy." and then went back to licking me. I knew her! "Miss Palmer??" I said, shocked to see my english teacher naked, sucking my cunt with abandon. She sat up, her small breasts tipped by large, rosy nipples, and her face glistening wetly. She smiled and said that she'd always wanted to suck my pussy. Then she slid three fingers inside me and used her thumb on my clit while she sucked and licked my breasts. The man came in Ann's ass, and he held her for a while, both of them watching Miss Palmer lick my tits and finger me to climax. She then offered her red-haired pussy to Ann, who sucked and licked, making her moan. I got up and sucked her small, pointy breasts. "You girls are so hot," she said. "Such naughty little sluts. I love it!" She came, the, with a long, low moan. We kissed her, letting her finger us both, until she got up and left. Around us, there were more people than I remembered, and sure enough, I saw that some faces (okay, bodies) were new, and some, like Miss Palmer and Ms Sexyvoice had gone. Mom lay on her back, getting fucked hard and eating out a girl about 25. A man of about thirty asked us if we wanted a drink and led us out to a bar. We had some orange juice, and the man told us we were the "hottest two gals" he'd ever seen. We thanked him and returned to the orgy. Mom was now sitting in a chair, getting her pussy licked. I went over to her. "How much longer are we were going to stay?" "Hours to go," she said, "But if you want to go home, the car keys are in my locker. It's number 358." The girl eating her pussy began to finger mine. "I can get a ride from someone here. But you're welcome to stay as long as I do." I told her we were going to go home. Both Ann and I were completely blown away. Mom said she'd be home later, and that we might now do anything we wanted now, including fucking our boyfriends in the house. Ann and I asked our way to the locker room and got the keys from Mom's locker. We tried to clean up a little at the sink, but that was a thoroughly lost cause. (It wasn't 'til the next visit that we learned of the showers behind the last row of lockers.) We threw our pretty clothes over sweaty, sticky bodies and started to leave. But which way was town? We ment back and asked a man about the road to Las Vegas. "Follow the signs," he grunted. He was preocupied in fucking a pair of very large tits. The girl pressed her breasts together around his cock and kissed it at the end of each stroke. We walked out into the warm night air, found the car and drove away. The man had been right. It was easy to follow the signs until we found a familiar road. Ann finally spoke. "I can't believe what's just happened!" she said. "Do you realize that we were absolute sluts in front of all those people?!" "And my mother, too," I reminded her. "Yeah! And your Mom's into kinky shit too!" That had me a little worried, but I was sure she knew more than I did. "Did you see how your Mom loved having those guys come on her?" Ann asked me. "You liked it too, didn't you?" I said. "Well, yeah, but..." "Well, then. So did I. And you were soaked with it when our masks came off." I reminded her. "Me!?" she cried. "Shit girl! You had sperm dripping off every part of you!" "And you loved it." I shot back. "Just like you did." Ann said sharply. All this talk was reminding me of the sticky feeling I had on my tits, and stomach and everywhere else. My rear felt sticky and my pussy was still sopping wet. I drove carefully, not wanting to get a ticket. That would be embarrassing! "And what was that bit of calling me a bitch and a slut?" I asked. "I'm sorry for that, Julie, but I needed to come so much! And you stopped sucking my clit just as I was ready. Boy, was I pissed!" "Listen, you greedy little slut, if you'd done a sixty-nine with me in the first place..." I was getting mad, because Ann wasn't thinking of how horny I had been. "Slut? Greedy slut?!" Ann said. "You wait until we get home, and I'll show you greedy slut!" We paused, and then began to laugh. We ran inside when we got back to the house, and took off our clothes. We kissed each other right in the kitchen, where we'd never dared before. Ann's hand went between my legs. "Wait a minute." I said. "I need a shower. I feel dirty and sticky." "Hmm, yes. Me too. I feel like a sticky, sperm covered slut who wants to suck your cunt until you beg me to let you come." "And you're my favorite little slut. Let's get it on in the shower." We went to the bathroom and I turned the faucets. Ann didn't give me a chance, kneeling and sucking my pussy while the water came up to body temperature. She had me soaking wet again, and her fingers shoved up my cunt when the steam began to curl. "C'mon greedy." I said, opening the shower door. "You can eat me in the shower, too." Ann didn't move, just kept licking my clit, making me increasingly hot and lusty. Her lips and tongue were getting me clos. I decided to let the shower wait until later, after I'd come. She got me within an inch, then stopped. "Okay, let's get in the shower." She said, standing up. "You fucking slut!" I said to her. "Don't stop now!" "Oh. Are you ready to come?" Ann asked coyly. "Eat me you bitch, suck that clit!" I said, forcing her back down. Ann began to tease me, and it felt awfully good. "I bet you'd love to eat out of my pussy right now." she said. I moaned, pulling her back between my legs. "Or maybe, you'd like a mouthful of spurting cock?" I moaned again. "Shut up and make me come, you fucking slut!" Ann laughed and resumed tounging my clit. I came with a racking, mind numbing orgasm, and held Ann's head to keep from falling. A few moments later I lifted her up and rubbed the length of my body against hers. Pulling her into the shower, I knelt and sucked her pussy until she came, and then we sluiced ourselves clean. Afterwards, Ann crawled into my bed. She did a lot of kissing, touching and holding, and then we sixty-nined for a delightful while. Finally she straddled my chest and brought herself off by rubbing her clit against my impossibly hard nipple. There must be a special nerve linking my nipples and pussy, for I came with no stimulation of either clit or cunt. We were naked, curled up and fast asleep when Mom came home. She woke us by turning on the bedroom light. It was warm, and we'd only had the sheet drawn up half way. I'd been sleeping with my arm over Ann, cupping her breast. Mom smiled and asked if we'd had a good time. Responding to a sleepy "Yes" and "Yes," she came over to the bed. "Here," Mom said, "I bought each of you something on the way home." She handed us each a gift wrapped box. We opened them, finding vibrators inside. They were large and real looking, and batteries were included! "Neat!" Ann said. "Thank you!" I echoed. Mom kissed us goodnight and went to bed. Ann and I stayed up for a while to play with our new toys. We discovered why they never went out of style -- they're fun! The next morning, Mom got up before we did and called us only when breakfast was nearly ready. We were sleeping like spoons in a drawer. Ann cuddled behind me with her right arm draped over me, cupping one breast. My vibrator was quiet now, but still in my pussy. A quick shower together, a bathrobe each, and we were ready to eat. Mom set breakfast before us and then left to get ready for work. For as long as it took four bacon waffles and a quart of orange juice to disappear, we discussed possible uses for our new toys. "Goodbye, girls. I'm off to work," Mom called cheerily from the doorway. We leapt up to hug and kiss her. I squirmed my breasts against hers and whispered "Thanks, Mom." The hand on my hugging arm drifted down over her buttocks and squeezed. Ann's hug was more reatrained, but she delivered the goodbye kiss with an open mouth. Mom was lightly flushed and smiling as she turned to leave. As the sound of her departing car came through the open window, Ann and I stepped towards each other and grinned. Play time! This was going to be a long, happy summer.